Core Delegation

Kimberly Borden
Senior PartnerChicago
Serves clients in the Aerospace & Defense and Automotive & Assembly Practices, focusing on strategy, operations, and transformational...
Ryan Brukardt
Senior PartnerMiami
Advises global aerospace, defense, and space companies on achieving sustainable growth and operational excellence
David Chinn
Senior PartnerTel Aviv
Leads our Israel office; helps clients in Israel and across Europe in the government, armed forces, and industrial sectors make...
Frank Coleman III
Serves Industrial clients on strategy and M&A, driven by value creation fundamentals and underpinned by complex technology investments...
Guillaume de Ranieri
Guillaume de Ranieri specializes in R&D and large industrial projects management. He leads the Aerospace and Defense Practice...
Alex Dichter
Senior PartnerBoston
Helps airlines, airline-services companies, and aerospace firms develop profitable strategies and improve global operations
Axel Esqué
Develops profitable growth strategies, leads decarbonization efforts, improves global operations, and conducts commercial due...
Giacomo Gatto
Leads our space sector work in Europe and advises groups in the aerospace, defense, and space ecosystems on increasing collaboration...
Leo Geddes
Serves governments and companies on strategy and corporate-finance topics including M&A integrations and regulatory processes
Björn Hagemann
Senior PartnerCologne
Creates sustainable impact and performance improvement in companies through operational, organizational, digital, and advanced...
Mithun Kamat
Helps aerospace, defense, industrial, and technology companies with strategy, product, margin expansion, and technology-enabled...
Jesse Klempner
PartnerWashington DC
Assists aerospace, defense, and industrial companies with strategy, growth, innovation, and mergers and acquisitions, and consults...
Benedikt Kloss
Associate PartnerFrankfurt
Driving future ground mobility and advanced air mobility topics with organizations across the whole mobility ecosystem
Vik Krishnan
Senior PartnerBay Area
Advises companies in the aviation, travel, and aerospace sectors on operational-performance improvement, digital transformation,...
Emma Loxton
Works with companies across the travel and defense industries to build and deliver strategies and improve commercial performance...
Varun Marya
Senior PartnerBay Area
Helps aerospace, defense, and private-equity companies enhance value by transforming their organizations and accelerating their...
Simon Middleton
Serves clients on disruptive strategy and operational transformations, with a particular focus in the automotive and industrials...
Alex Panas
Senior Partner, and Global Leader, Industry SectorsBoston
Is the global leader of McKinsey's industry sectors
Robin Riedel
PartnerBay Area
Co-leads the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility
Kevin Sachs
Senior PartnerDenver
Drives strategic and operational performance transformations to help advanced industrial and high-tech companies find cost savings...
François Soubien
François Soubien works in the manufacturing and packaged-goods sectors, advising clients on the development and implementation...
Brooke Weddle
Senior PartnerWashington DC
Drives lasting change at scale for global organizations through digital transformation, operating-model redesign, enterprise...
Simone Vesco
Serves clients on strategy, marketing and sales, operations, working capital, and aftermarket and services transformations
Matteo Zanin
Senior PartnerMilan
Advises consumer companies globally on strategic, commercial, and organizational issues and leads McKinsey’s B2C sales and channel...