Automotive & Assembly Insights

Industrial designer drawing a sketch for a concept car prototype.

Attracting and retaining tech talent to sustain mobility’s growth

Production line for lithium battery cells for the automotive or e-bike industry.
The battery cell component opportunity in Europe and North America
A high angle of a light trails on a s-shaped mountain road at night between the towns of Bocairent and Ontinyent.
Navigating unknowns: Auto insurance questions in a new mobility era
Balls on curvy paths - stock photo
Spotlight on mobility trends
Directly above view of traffic circle amongst buildings, London, England, UK
Winning in the European automotive industry: A micromarket approach

Featured video

McKinsey Automotive & Mobility Spotlight webinar: Car connectivity: What consumers want and are willing to pay

McKinsey Automotive & Mobility Spotlight webinar: A road map for Europe’s automotive industry

McKinsey Automotive & Mobility Spotlight on The Chinese Auto Consumer, featured on LinkedIn Live

The future of navigation in a digitized world

Featured Publications

The Titanium Economy Book cover

The Titanium Economy

Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Can the automotive industry scale fast enough?
Digital generated image of car tire track made out of grass growing through gray concrete surface.
Mobility’s net-zero transition: A look at opportunities and risks

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