Corporate Transformation

We help businesses succeed in increasingly competitive energy markets by developing their capabilities, transforming their performance, and building a culture of continuous improvement.

Examples of our work

In the past year, we have undertaken major corporate-transformation projects for more than 30 leading energy-industry clients.
Capturing sustainable improvements through lean
Becoming a leader in renewable energy
Improving customer experience in energy retailing

Featured capabilities

Featured experts

Rob Bland
Senior PartnerBay Area
Leads Fuel, a McKinsey Company, throughout North America, serving start-ups and unicorns, counseling clients on growth and environmental...
Keith Martin
Supports companies in Canada, the United States, and Australia through large-scale turnarounds and transformations
Tjark Freundt
Senior PartnerHamburg
Leads McKinsey’s Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice in Europe and helps organizations achieve sustainable, inclusive growth and...

Related insights

Leading agile transformation: The new capabilities leaders need to build 21st-century organizations
Leading agile transformation: The new capabilities leaders need to build 21st-century organizations
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A transformative experience for leading a transformation
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