Our People

Anjan Asthana
Senior PartnerMiami
Advises senior executives at electric and gas utilities, helping them shape strategy, drive organizational change, and lead operational...
Ercan Balkoc
Supports private groups and public-sector organizations in the energy, industrials, and infrastructure sectors on a broad scope...
Adam Barth
Serves electric and gas utilities and utility-technology and -service companies on issues including transmission and distribution-capital...
Roman Belotserkovskiy
Brings extensive experience in the energy sector, including operations-performance transformations, accelerated cost-repositioning...
Rob Bland
Senior PartnerBay Area
Leads Fuel, a McKinsey Company, throughout North America, serving start-ups and unicorns, counseling clients on growth and environmental...
Natalia Boksha
Serves energy companies, financial institutions, and telecom operators on topics from strategy and market entry to risk and regulation...
Adrian Booth
Senior PartnerBay Area
Works with clients across industries to develop and execute their digital vision with a specialty in driving digital programs...
Antonio Castellano
Coleads McKinsey’s Electric Power & Natural Gas Practice in Southeast Asia and brings deep energy-sector expertise—including...
Paul Daume
A trusted advisor on strategy and corporate-finance topics with deep expertise in M&A and capital-market transactions
Eelco de Jong
Guides utilities and industrial companies through large-scale performance transformations, enabled by technology and digital...
Arnout de Pee
Brings in-depth strategy and transformation expertise in the energy sector serving global leaders, attackers, and scale-ups in...
Anton Derkach
Senior PartnerHouston
Serves electric power utilities, retail, technology and equipment manufacturing, and financial as well as engineering, procurement,...
Dago Diedrich
Senior PartnerDüsseldorf
Serves leading energy, automotive, and high-tech companies on strategic issues, performance transformation, and trend analysis...
Blair Epstein
PartnerBay Area
Helps CEOs and leaders transform their organizations at scale, from strategy to execution
Bruno Esgalhado
Serves energy clients across Europe and the Americas on digital and analytics, commercial portfolios, and value proposition
David Frankel
PartnerSouthern California
Advises electric power and industrial companies on strategy and operations, with a focus on new downstream business models and...
David González
Senior PartnerMadrid
Brings extensive expertise in utilities and oil and gas to his work on strategy, operations, regulation, and organization.
Anna Granskog
Extensive experience in the electricity, basic materials, and engineering industry sectors with particular focus on strategy...
Antonio De Gregorio
Helps industrial, energy, and infrastructure companies meet their strategic challenges, as well as defining and implementing...
Maria Gusakova
Supports energy, raw-materials, and industrial companies with strategy, reorganization, sustainability transition, and the management...
Viktor Hanzlík
Managing PartnerPrague
Managing partner of McKinsey & Company in Prague and global co-lead of the firm’s power and gas grids work. Serves clients across...
Kimberly Henderson
PartnerWashington DC
Supports companies, investors, and public and social sector entities to address climate change
Diego Hernandez Diaz
Advises utilities and industrial companies on harnessing the power of digitization and advanced analytics to navigate the energy...
Sven Houthuys
Advises and serves consumer-packaged-goods and energy-sector companies, with a focus on digital, capability building, large-scale...
Dieuwert Inia
Senior PartnerAmsterdam
Helps companies to define strategies, deliver digital and performance improvement programs, and drive organizational change and...
Nimish Jain
PartnerSouthern California
Supports companies in the energy, technology, healthcare and travel sectors with customer-experience and customer-analytics transformations...
Gaurang Jhunjhunwala
Supports energy companies with growth strategy and tech-enabled transformations
Yutaro Kakimoto
Senior PartnerKansai
Supports companies in various sectors on transformation projects, and translates expertise of performance improvement, growth,...
Adam Kendall
Advises senior leaders in government and business on strategic and operational issues—including national and regional planning,...
Yohan Kochi
Advises companies on corporate finance and strategy development and helps them design and implement large-scale transformation...
Paul Kolter
Senior PartnerAustin
Advises energy clients, particularly in the electric utility and power generation sectors, including fossil, nuclear and wind...
Bill Lacivita
Leads comprehensive transformation efforts across the globe—with a focus on high-hazard operations—and coleads McKinsey’s global...
Peter Lambert
Advises Asia’s leading energy companies on designing strategy and operations to create and deliver long-term value
Jochen Latz
Advises energy and materials companies on asset operations—from operations and maintenance through to decommissioning—with particular...
Jesse Noffsinger
Works with organizations to understand, drive, and prepare for the global energy transition, bringing deep insight into renewable...
Tomasz Marciniak
Managing PartnerWarsaw
Leader of the Private Equity & Principal Investors Practice in Central Europe, bringing together energy infrastructure and technology...
Lorenzo Moavero Milanesi
Senior PartnerMilan
Leader of our energy and materials work in the Mediterranean region; advises on strategy, performance improvement, and large-scale...
Ben Pasquier
Supports leading companies through large-scale transformations, working to make implementation successful and improve organizational...
Shannon Peloquin
PartnerBay Area
Supports major utilities, transportation, and infrastructure organizations to enhance long-term strategy and investments, operations,...
Ranjani Ramaa
Works with utilities and other organizations on large-scale technology and digitally driven transformations; supports clients...
Aalia Ratani
Advises energy companies on a range of topics, including capital excellence, operations, strategy, transformations, organizational...
Maria João Ribeirinho
Senior PartnerLisbon
Supports energy and infrastructure companies in multiple geographies on strategic and operational issues.
Jesús Rodríguez González
Supports leading power transmission and distribution utilities with strategic and operational challenges, and brings particular...
Benjamin Sauer
Provides expert support to clients navigating the energy transition and tackling challenges in power generation, distribution,...
Lois Schonberger
PartnerWashington DC
A recognized thought leader on product management and strategy who brings extensive hands-on experience in creating products...
Suvojoy Sengupta
Leads the firm's renewables work within the Electric Power & Natural Gas Practice in India and advises clients on operational...
Christian Staudt
PartnerWashington DC
Supports utilities, service providers, manufacturers, and investors with navigating the energy transition
Gustaw Szarek
Advises clients on challenges involving decarbonization, operational transformation, growth, restructuring for value, and digital...
Humayun Tai
Senior PartnerNew York
Leads our Electric Power & Natural Gas Practice globally, serving major utility and energy technology clients across a variety...
Christer Tryggestad
Senior PartnerOslo
A leader of our global Electric Power and Natural Gas (EPNG) and Oil and Gas (O&G) Practices; also leads the Knowledge Committee...
Thomas Vahlenkamp
Senior PartnerDüsseldorf
Advises clients on corporate strategy, organization, operational transformation, energy trading, risk management, and capital-expenditure...
Fransje van der Marel
Senior PartnerAmsterdam
Drives sustainable resilient growth at energy, chemicals and industrial companies
Godart van Gendt
Leads work on energy transition with a focus on power and mobility, supporting businesses and investors to identify and capture...
Xavier Veillard
Brings deep expertise in the LNG, gas, and power sectors to advise leading utilities, industrial companies, and others on strategy,...
Kai Vollhardt
Senior PartnerMunich
Brings deep expertise in marketing and sales, and coleads our personalization at scale and customer experience work for utilities...
Alexander Weiss
Senior PartnerBerlin
Alexander leads the Electrical Power and Natural Gas (EPNG) Practice globally, and spearheaded McKinsey’s global contracting...
Markus Wilthaner
Passionate about building businesses in hydrogen and batteries, working with industry leaders, start-ups, and public institutions...
Jakub Zivansky
Helps clients optimize their renewables strategy, operating model and overcome supply chain and deliverability challenges with...