MGI Virtual Events



MSME webinar with Olivia White, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, John Denton, and Greta Bull
June 2024
A microscope on small businesses: Spotting opportunities to boost productivity
an agenda for productivity growth with Olivia White, Erik Brynjolfsson, and Nathan Sheets
April 2024
An agenda for productivity growth in a changing geo-economic era
SIG thumbnail Vijay, Sven, Anu, Mekala
October 2023
From poverty to empowerment: Raising the bar for sustainable and inclusive growth
Empty spaces in hybrid places with Diane Hoskins, Stuart Mercier, Scott Rechler, Ralph Rosenberg, Kevin Delaney
July 2023
Empty spaces and hybrid places: The pandemic’s lasting impact on real estate
The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance Tom Lee- Devlin, Olivia White, Catherine Mann, Christian Stracke
June 2023
The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance
US productivity webinar Nicholas Thompson, Erik Brynjolfsson, Austosh Padhi, Beth Cobert, Steve Case
March 2023
Rekindling US productivity for a new era
Performance through people webinar Olivia White, Raj Choudhury, Jeff Cava, Gina Jardine
March 2023
Performance through people: Transforming human capital into competitive advantage
Pixels of Progress webinar Rima Assi, Michel Doukeris, Valentina Romei, Andres Rodriguez-Pose
January 2023
Pixels of Progress: A granular look at human development across the world
Europe webcast
October 2022
Securing Europe’s competitiveness: Addressing its technology gap
MGI Virtual Event: Human capital at work: The value of experience
June 2022
Human capital at work: The value of experience
The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring. Webinar
February 2022
The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring.
MGI Virtual Event: Will productivity and growth return after the COVID 19 crisis?
April 2021
Will productivity and growth return after the COVID 19 crisis?
MGI Virtual Event: The consumer demand recovery and the lasting effects of COVID-19
April 2021
The consumer demand recovery and the lasting effects of COVID-19
MGI Virtual Event: The future of work after COVID-19
March 2021
The future of work after COVID-19