Practice leaders

Kevin Laczkowski
Senior Partner and Managing PartnerChicago
Advises senior leaders on strategy, M&A, and performance transformation across automotive, commercial/recreational vehicles,...

Shivanshu Gupta
Senior PartnerBengaluru
Leads McKinsey’s Advanced Industries in India, and is a leader in our global Operations and Advanced Industries Practices

Harald Deubener
Senior PartnerStuttgart
Leads McKinsey’s advanced industries work in Germany and Austria; supports European clients in the automotive, mobility, machinery,...
Our people

Michele Bertoncello
Advises clients in the automotive and assembly sector on strategy, marketing and sales, and innovation issues

Kimberly Borden
Senior PartnerChicago
Serves clients in the Aerospace & Defense and Automotive & Assembly Practices, focusing on strategy, operations, and transformational...

Johannes Deichmann
Helps clients in their transition from an orientation on hardware to software in the automotive and other advanced industries

Mingyu Guan
Senior PartnerShenzhen
Leverages deep expertise in marketing and sales to help companies execute commercial transformations

Mikael Hanicke
Senior PartnerGothenburg
Advises clients on transformational change across functions, operations strategy and implementation, digital, and advanced analytics...

Bernd Heid
Senior PartnerNew York
Leads the McKinsey Platform for Climate Technologies and work in hydrogen globally; serves clients in the mobility and energy...

Liz Hempel
PartnerNew York
Leverages the power of advanced analytics to drive transformational change in product development and procurement for industrial...

Dr. Ruth Heuss
Senior PartnerBerlin
Co-leads McKinsey’s Operations Practice globally, and serves companies in the automotive and machinery industries on future mobility,...

Srikant Inampudi
Senior PartnerDetroit
Managing partner of our Detroit office; helps industrial, healthcare, and other complex enterprises pursue strategic transformation,...

Matthias Kässer
Coleads the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility, advises clients on artificial intelligence, mobility, and digital issues, and...

Sebastian Kempf
Senior PartnerDüsseldorf
Leads our lifecycle products and services work for advanced industries in Europe and helps companies with growth strategies,...

Masahiro Komatsubara
Senior PartnerTokyo
Serves automotive, electronics, and other globally active companies in the manufacturing and travel and transportation sectors...

Jan-Christoph Köstring
Senior PartnerMunich
Co-leads McKinsey’s Sciences for Growth globally, innovating our clients’ marketing & sales (M&S) approaches and accelerating...

Martin Linder
Senior PartnerMunich
Leads the Firm’s Battery Accelerator Team; global colead for the McKinsey Platform for Climate Technologies as well as our sustainability...

Varun Marya
Senior Partner, and Global Leader, Advanced IndustriesBay Area
Global leader of McKinsey's Advanced Industries practice, advises companies on strategic questions and challenges related to...

Inga Maurer
Senior PartnerChicago
Member of our Automotive & Assembly, Operations, and Private Equity Practices; advises clients on an array of issues, including...

Timo Möller
Coleads the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility with a focus on the strategic and operational questions around disruptive trends;...

Nicolai Müller
Senior PartnerCologne
Brings extensive automotive industry expertise—helping clients with transformation programs, strategy and organizational initiatives,...

Hiroshi Odawara
Senior PartnerTokyo
Works closely with clients to realize corporate-wide transformation; brings deep expertise on a wide range of topics from growth...

Shivika Sahdev
PartnerNew York
Leader in the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility serving clients on navigating disruptions relating to electric-mobility. She...

Emily Shao
Pioneers the transition to the future of mobility, navigating organizations through disruptions in technology, business models,...

Seungheon Song
Managing Partner and Senior PartnerSeoul
Seungheon is a Managing Partner of McKinsey Korea, and a Senior Partner of McKinsey & Company. He is leading McKinsey’s Advanced...

Yoshi Takanuki
Senior PartnerLondon
Helps manufacturing companies shape their strategy and transform their operating model, applying operations expertise to unleash...

Andreas Venus
Senior PartnerBerlin
Serves as managing partner of our Berlin office; leads the data and analytics work for automotive and industrial clients in Europe...

Ursula Weigl
Leads our activities in consumer and car finance in Europe and is part of the retail banking leadership team