Retail has long been a game of testing and learning: trying different things, finding out what works, and doing more of it. But as the industry matures, disciplined mid- and long-term strategic planning and focused execution are becoming indispensable for sustainable performance.
How We Help Clients
We work with clients to achieve sustainable performance gains by expanding markets, improving formats, building partnerships, and ensuring capital productivity.
What We Do
Our teams support clients in strategic retail value creation. Depending on the challenge, solutions may include the following:
Growth and international expansion
We work with retailers to identify pockets of future growth—in new categories, new target groups, or new regional markets. This often requires adapting business models, value propositions, and format strategies to the dynamics of emerging local markets.
Format excellence
Active management of the store portfolio requires trade-off decisions: which stores should be upgraded? Should new stores be opened? Which existing stores should be closed? We help retailers allocate their overall investments while also identifying the right format, layout, assortment, and positioning for existing and new stores.
Corporate finance
In a consolidating industry, we work with retailers and holding companies to optimize their portfolio through mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. We help our clients increase overall returns through active capital productivity and cost management, and we offer advanced retail risk management tools.
Partnership models
We help retailers weigh the pros and cons of developing franchises and other partnership models. We support them in end-to-end design, including concept, operating system, franchisee/partner support, quality management, and incentive schemes with an eye to the organizational structures and skills needed for an effective partnership.
Featured Capabilities
Over the course of more than 600 client projects, we have developed tools and solutions to address retail strategy topics. For example, clients and teams make use of a suite of innovative format management tools, updated and enhanced by more than 30 dedicated experts:
Innovative format database
Updated annually, this database offers a global scan of new and innovative retail formats across categories.
Value driver database
Focused on Europe, the value driver database includes a collection of best-practice retail formats, highlighting the key success factors of winning formats from around the world.
Retail format library
Our growing archive holds more than 20,000 photographic images of 800 different formats across Europe, North America, and Asia.
Featured Experts

Franck Laizet
Senior PartnerZurich
Leads our work in the retail industry in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

Steve Noble
Senior Partner and Office Managing PartnerMinneapolis
Brings hands-on private equity experience to specialty retail, apparel, and footwear clients to identify and unlock new opportunities...
Impact story
Renewing store formats for a major grocery retailer
We help a grocery client use consumer insights to refresh its customer value proposition, stimulating growth in a saturated market.